Sunday, July 28, 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason!

So, if you don't believe that everything happens for a reason,  check this out!  This morning, I got up to make "panacakes" for my son (which is our bonding experience, because I work 7 days a week right now)...and we don't have any eggs!  I was so mad I couldn't see straight!  However, we had Applejacks instead and bonded over it instead.  I was well on my way to an attitude adjustment. 

My hubby got up and I let him know about the eggs...he was fairly sour about it (when he should have been apologetic) I was losing the grasp I had on my attitude adjustment.  Then, I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up...this usually makes me feel ready for the day - NOPE!  I felt just as tired and defeated as I had when I got in the shower...only now I was hungry again.

So, I went downstairs to get my usual morning snack of Rita's Cinnamon Pita Chips...but guess what?  He ate all of those too!!! Ugh!!! 

I knew I had my favorite cake doughnuts here at the shop and thought...I will just go there and have my snack, but before I could get out of the house with my new solution...hubby decides to be "Sarcastic Man"...he had no idea how close he came to a nuclear explosion! 

Out the door I went to my shop!  I got to my shop and at my yummy doughnuts my favorite, but I was still livid!!!  So, I meditated/prayed for inner peace.  I was almost there and about to leave the shop to go do some grocery shopping when I looked at my calendar...low and behold - I had a customer coming in at 10am - WHAT????

Wow, if I hadn't gotten all mad at my hubby and stormed out to my store to get a doughnut...I would have missed my customer!  As it stands now, my customer is here and we are having a blast quilting her quilt and I feel soooo much  better!  As if it couldn't get any better, my hubby called and apologized (it is about time!) AND he went to the grocery store to get all the stuff he ate and didn't put on the list!

I am one lucky woman or the divine powers that be (God) is looking out for me!!!  Whooo hoooo!  I love my life!!


Vatsala Shukla said...

Everything does happen for a reason! What a lovely ending that Providence got you to your shop in time for the customer and your perceptive husband realized that you needed support and did the groceries. There is a lot to be said about the power of prayer, especially when one is overwhelmed. I call it the mini-miracles.

Anne Allen said...

So true, everything happens for a reason. So glad you were able to connect to your higher power and tap into the power of prayer. :)

wow101 said...

Yes, I believe things do happen for a reason. I learned last week that my brother had passed away...a year ago! No one knew! Now I've reconnect with our biological mother and half brother and sister. I am leaving on the weekend to visit them. My mom is ill so it will be tough. I don't know why I'm going...I just am. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

great story and yes blessings are often hidden from our view

Kathy Robinson said...

What a wonderful story. Yes, there is a reason for everything that happens, we sometimes just have to look a little harder to find it.

Barbara Becker said...

Yes, Liz, I agree with you. Everything happens for a reason. You are having fun on your roller coaster in the amusement park of life. You have a wonderful husband and child. It is so cool you knew exactly where to go, inside of yourself, tapped into the Divinity within you, asked for help, and you received many fold!! Thank you for sharing your experience.

ElizabethlManess said...

I keep telling myself that! Love this Liz! I needed to read this!

Moira Hutchison ~ Your Success Coach said...

Liz - thanks so much for sharing this story! I totally agree with you that everything DOES happen for a reason... however it sometimes can drive us a wee bit batty while waiting to see that reason :) Good for you for staying relatively calm and getting to the other side!

Sharon O'Day said...

Isn't it great when things turn out for the best, Liz? Whether it's coincidence or synchronicity or "just the way it was supposed to be," whatever we want to call it, if we look real hard we can see where a hand could be pushing things along ... ;-)

Solvita said...

You are so gifted to see it! :) I wish more people would have this amazing gift to see that everything happens for reason and how to step into power in times of doubt. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it when something positive comes out of something negative. For me that is God at work! Such a cheery story Liz. Thank you!

Pat Moon said...

What a happy ending! What an amazing God we have and what an amazing family & husband you have! God knows what is going on and just what we need.

Robin Strohmaier said...

I love it too, Liz, when something positive comes out of what seems to be a totally devastating experience. The hand of God... Thank you for sharing this encouraging story and for uplifting my day!

Danisdecadentdeals said...

I also believe everything happens for a reason:) I am glad everything was able to fall in place:)

Lorii Abela said...

Quite enlightening! Life indeed becomes lighter when you adhere to the idea that everything happens for a reason. So, do you automatically meditate/pray for inner peace when you are about to fly off the handle?