Thursday, August 16, 2012

Influx is Uncomfortable...

I LOVE change, however whenever you begin something new it is both exciting and terrifying at the same time (especially when it requies copious amounts of time and/or money : D) 

In expanding my business, I am going to be doing some teaching, rental of time on the machine...all NEW.  I am not good at freehanding and my new machine will NOT have the safety net of a computer driven system on it - it will be just me.  It can be overwhelming, all the changes in the pricing, all the changes in the record keeping, all the changes in the way I spend my time, plus the money investment can just make you want to hide under the covers!

Absolutely unthinkable!  I am sooooo excited!  I LOVE my life and I want to share it with EVERYONE who is interested!  I want to learn to freehand and perfect my skill, I want to teach, (I don't think anyone likes the accounting and record keeping, but whatever), I want to keep in touch with my customers over the net...I want to build something fulfilling and awesome!  The money investment is what it is and I hope to make it back in short order...

There is guilt about my son and he is little and obviously you want to spend as much time with him as possible, but I found it is better to spend "quality" time with him as a fulfilled person that unfulfilled quantity of time...we are just happier and nicer to eachother when we get to do our own things for a while and THEN hang out...

I will keep ya'll posted on how it goes, but as of now the excitement is TOTALLY outweighing the terror : D...


kate said...

Best of luck on the expansion! I had (still have) the same fears. If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough!

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more Liz. Change is hard. Hang in there and all will work itself out - I think you are doing a great job, from what you have shared!

karen presecan said...

I feel you Liz.. on both accounts here! Change is hard, but often, the right thing is the hardest, yes? And the mommy guilt. Oh boy, do I ever know that! You put it so nicely here.. quality over quantity. It's important for them to see us succeed at something we love! I'm so excited for you!!!