Sunday, February 6, 2011

TX Flag

I was inspired by my daughter who used to live in TX, but now lives in OH...she loves everything TX and was telling me about a friend of hers that has a TX flag quilt on their bed.  She mentioned the dimensions were accurate, so it really looked like a TX flag on their bed...I wasn't quite up for a bed quilt, but thought a wall hanging would be fun. 

We have been snowed in on and off lately through the winter, so my trips to the fabric store have been minimal...not to mention I am trying to start my own longarm also trying to save money.  So, I did something that when I heard about people doing it - I thought they were crazy!!! 

I sorted my scrap bags by color!  I had a whole bag of red, white and I thought why not do a crazy quilt block TX Flag...

I looked up the dimensions online to make sure I got it right...figured out the size of the blocks, cut the foundation fabric and began digging in my scrap bags to make the blocks.  At the end, I measured the blue panel and created the star...I ironed it onto some stiff backing and machine appliqued it in the dimensionally correct spot on the blue panel. 

Here it is...

I am probably going to put some kind of red, white and blue border on it with a dark red or blue binding.  I LOVE it, but my hubby thinks my daughter might think it is too scrappy...  So, I am going to design another one that isn't so scrappy.

If you are interested in this pattern, contact me at and I will put it together for you.  I'll post my less scappy one when I get it done too!

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