Yeah, I went to the local guild meeting and watched a trunk show by Shannon Shirley - whoa lots of inspiration. You can probably google her, but she does the most amazing stuff with kids art. Since I have a 2yr old and am staring down the barrel of lots of laminated artwork etc...this sounds like lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to try it.
She also does this stuff called thread sketching, which makes me wish I was a better artist...I don't think I will have any luck at all with that, but it was really neato to see.
Of course I was once again inspired to try applique - but haven't found the right project...I think I am going to do some raw edge applique circles for my STAR quilt (charity) challenge due in March...I'll keep ya posted!
My Handiquilter frame worked like a dream, but my 40yr old singer isn't up to the task...I ended up sewing on my teflon feed dog cover (sorry Mom) I bought a Brother (with lots of great stictches and feed dogs that you can drop - however I find that when I free motion with the feed dogs dropped it goes all wonky with the tension...probably going to take a free motion class to find out if it is me or my stuff...)
Had a disappointing showing at the local craft show this last weekend...didn't sell a thing! It was VERY disappointing, but since it was my first one of this size...I walked around and saw that my stuff didn't fit in very was priced ok, but I just used too many fabrics and too much've seen pics of my you know what I am talkign about. The stuff that was selling was literally cut up fabric with no quilting bound around the edges and called placemats/table runner/wall hangings.... I think I need to take my stuff a different direction, becasue I am not willing to do that simple of stuff just to sell it at the craft shows.
I have also had disappointing results from my yahoo store, but I think this has to do with the fact that I don't really know how to market it...I was approached by a marketing company that wants oodles of money to "help" me...but I am thinking, I am just going to take it down and try to start long arming...who knows!!!!!!!!!!
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