Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Udate/Upgrade = WTH - I can't make it work now!

Ok, so I admit I am a procrastinator...I got an upgrade to my Autopilot software 2 months ago and I didn't install it until yesterday.  I was right though...it changed EVERYTHING (in a good way).  When I pulled it up - the screen had completely changed.  I should have taken a picture of the old screen to show you, but didn't realize it was going to change so drastically. 

The good news is that the buttons look different, but the functionality is the same. When I hover the curser over the buttons it tells me what it does...still I couldn't make it go - ugh!!!  I was getting freaked out.

Luckily the tech (Mike - who I LOVE!) told me about the tutorials on www.innovalongarm.com and they were GREAT!  Three tutorials later and I was groovin'  Check it out!

Now I am super pumped to figure out what all it does that is new!!!  So far I have found that it is much less manual!  It does a continuous sew on E2E when you trim it to fit the quilt.  Yay!!!  I also can use computer measurements to put the patterns to nest the E2E patterns together...these two features are enough to make it worth while, but I can't wait to see what else it does for me!!!  I'll keep ya posted!

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