Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yeah...Been Busy!

Wow - it has been quite a while since I blogged...been working on my website - don't even get me is still a mess - ugh!

Here are some of my most recent projects...

This is a charity quilt I recently quilted...the pattern is called Bars of Gold although it is a variation of that pattern and it is similar to the pattern called Coins.

Here is the back of the Bars of Gold:

Here is a NICU charity quilt that I made with Teddy Bears and Heart quilting:

I had a quilt that I pieced almost 2 years ago...I decided to meander and stipple all over it to show my work for my business...I did the meander from 11" in height down to 7" and the stipple is around 3" and down:

The last one that I quilted was the remainder of the STAR Challenge fabric - I cut the fabric into strips and sewed them end to end, cut that VERY long strip in half and sewed those together, then cut that in half and sewed it together side by side and then repeated it many times until it was pretty much square...

I quilted it with what I think is my favorite pattern to date...ladybugs!

Well, that represents about a weeks worth of work!  I have several more to do - when I can get back to work - : D

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